Floppy valve syndrome treatment in Hyderabad



The reasons

  1. The mitral valve controls the flow of blood between the upper and lower chambers on the left side of the heart. When your heart is working properly, the mitral valve closes completely while the heart pumps, preventing blood from flowing back into the upper left chamber (left atrium).
  2. In some people with mitral valve prolapse, one or both of the mitral valve blades have extra tissue or stretch more than normal, causing them to swell like a parachute in the left atrium every time the heart contracts.
  3. The bulge can prevent the valve from closing tightly. In some cases, blood may flow back through the valve (mitral valve regurgitation).
  4. It cannot cause problems if only a small amount of blood flows into the left atrium. More severe mitral regurgitation can cause symptoms such as shortness of breath, tiredness, or dizziness. Floppy valve syndrome treatment in Hyderabad

Risk factors

Mitral valve prolapse can occur in anyone at any age. Severe symptoms of mitral valve prolapse are most common in men over 50.

Mitral valve prolapse can run in families and be related to various other conditions, such as:


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