Interstitial cystitis Treatment Hyderabad


Illustration shows the effect of interstitial cystitis on the bladder
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Interstitial cystitis (in-tur-STISH-ul sis-TIE-tis) is a chronic condition that causes bladder pressure, bladder pain, and sometimes pelvic pain. The pain ranges from mild discomfort to severe pain. The condition is one of a number of diseases known as painful bladder syndrome.


The signs and symptoms of interstitial cystitis vary from person to person. Also, if you have interstitial cystitis, your symptoms can vary over time and occur regularly in response to common triggers such as menstruation, prolonged sitting, stress, exercise, and sexual activity.Interstitial cystitis Treatment Hyderabad

The signs and symptoms of interstitial cystitis include:

The reasons

The exact cause of interstitial cystitis is unknown, but many factors are likely to contribute. For example, people with interstitial cystitis can also have a defect in the protective lining (epithelium) of the bladder. A leak in the epithelium can cause toxic substances in the urine to irritate the lining of your bladder.

Risk factors

These factors are linked to a higher risk of interstitial cystitis:

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