Mammary duct ectasia Treatment in Hyderabad


Clogged milk duct with ectasia of the chest duct
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Milky duct ectasia (ek-TAY-zhuh) occurs when one or more milk ducts under your nipple expand. The walls of the channel can thicken and the channel can fill with fluid. The milk duct may be clogged or clogged with a thick, sticky substance. The disease often causes no symptoms, but some women may have nipple discharge, breast tenderness, or inflammation of the blocked duct (periductal mastitis).

Ectasia of the milk duct is most common in women during perimenopause – around the age of 45 to 55 – but can also occur after menopause. The condition often improves without treatment. If symptoms persist, you may need antibiotics or surgery to remove the affected milk duct.

Although it is normal to be concerned about changes in your breast, breast duct ectasia and epiductal mastitis are not risk factors for breast cancer. Mammary duct ectasia Treatment in Hyderabad


The reasons

Your breasts are made of connective tissue, which contains a system of tiny passages that carry milk to the nipples (milk ducts). Milky duct ectasia occurs when a milk duct widens under the nipple. The walls of the ducts can thicken and fill with fluid, clog or clog with a sticky substance. This can lead to inflammation.

Experts aren’t sure what exactly causes duct ectasia. Some speculate on the cause:

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